Q: My speed was 120-130 km/h for long time and the rpms was 4000-4500 in fifth gear. I didn’t want to push the car more than that ( only once I reached 5500-5800 rpms and about 150-160 km/h when overtaking another car) not only because I didn’t want to break my engine but because the sound was terrible. The sound of the engine wasn’t so strong because I have make many soundproofing improvements to my car but the sounds from the air was unbearable. I could hear sounds from the door windows (the windows are closed at such a high speed), from the little triangle door window (are closed too), from the ventilation unit (I don’t know why). The stronger sound became from the upper place of the door’s window and was so strong that after an hour I couldn’t hear very well from my left ear!! and it was sound from the air not from the engine I am sure about that. Do you have any solution in that problem? Do you know any tip to avoid these aerodynamic sounds? A: Wind noise (if it is really wind noise) can be reduced by replacing all the seals around doors, windows, etc. If the doors do not fit well, the noise will persist. |
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