Some pictures of the Tulpenrallye 2000.
Driver: Lucien Segeren
Navigator: Huib Geurink
Car: Tina, 1967 Fulvia coupé rallye 1.3



Up the hill

On the car park of the hotel in Besançon, France
Early morning of the third day. Blown up engine is out.
Paul (in engine bay) came all the way from Haarlem, Holland with a replacement engine.

Replacement ready to go in.

There it goes!
Reinier, boyfriend of my daughter Charlotte, is operating the crane.
Reinier will be driving Tina in the 2001 Tulpenrallye.

Back in the rally!
Bourbach la Haut, France

Marcq, France

Route Control at Teterchen, Belgium

At the finish!
The Tulpenrallye site is at
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